PinkGold has been developing a coaching service specifically for neurodivergent academics, business owners and entrepreneurs.
We will be launching this 'for real' on 1st May 2025. However, here's a sneak peek and a chance to get your hands on a pre-launch six-session coaching package.
Coaching is tool for personal growth and/or moving forward when you feel lost or stuck or unable to escape unhelpful patterns of life.
Coaching is a confidential space where you can choose how vulnerable and open you want to be.
Coaching can be a gateway to personal or career success, or make possible a breakthrough when you are facing troubled times.
Coaching is more structured than a friendly conversation. The type of structure and amount of structure depends on the coach and their approach. That is why it is important to know how a coach works and to know what works for you. Often people fall into being coached without really knowing what works for them, so they don't get the benefits of the coaching. This is why PinkGold will be offering standalone sessions called 'Exploring Coaching' where Anne helps you identify what you want from coaching, what kind of coach is likely to work well for you, and which coaching approaches feel right to you.
Most importantly, coaching assumes that you already have strengths and skills and the ability to grow and find solutions - you may just need help to discover and trust those strengths.
And, finally, coaching is a time for you. It is not a time for people telling you or advising you what to do. It is a time for you to focus on you, away from the demands of everyday life.
Coaching isn't someone telling you what worked for them or others, teaching you how to do things their way, training you, or info-dumping on you. Those are all parts of mentoring. If this is what you need rather than coaching, PinkGold can refer you to NeuDICE CIC. If you need both, PinkGold can offer add-on mentoring sessions between coaching sessions.
Coaching isn't therapy or counselling. Some topics you bring to coaching may be emotionally challenging. That is fine as long as you already have the tools and skills to stay safe.
PinkGold does not offer therapy or counselling. If we feel you need a therapist or counsellor, we will advise you to find one - or, if you have one, there may be times we suggest you talk with them rather than the coach.
PinkGold is releasing four six-session packages for the pre-launch price of £720, with one being available to start in each of:
If you and Anne have worked together in the past, book a quick introductory call to check the package is suitable for you. If it is, Anne will release a personalised link so you can book your six sessions.
If you and Anne have never worked together, maybe start by booking yourself into a small group co-working accountability session (£8) first. If you want to stay on the call when that has finished, she will happily discuss coaching with you.
I’m neurodivergent. In my case, autistic, ADHD, Irlen Syndrome with a large dash of Long Covid and other health challenges thrown in for extra spiciness.
Part of having that profile is my love for and ability to navigate complexity – and almost instant boredom if I'm asked to do one thing repetitively (except practising cello scales but that’s another story).
My business life is part of the rich complexity of being Anne.
That's the back story to why I currently trade in three ways. The good news is that I will always direct you towards the most suitable version of me; I don’t expect you to double-guess!
Sometimes people approach me with opportunities that sit within the fuzzy boundaries between the three versions of me. That’s when we can discuss which version of Anne you want. This matters because the version you choose affects insurance, contractual obligations and how your money will be used – which matters (or should!) for your procurement policy, social value profile and corporate social responsibility.
Best known on social media as Welshflier. I’ll do any bits and pieces in my skill set that spark my interest but I don’t take on blocks of work or projects. Think the odd day or hour of work rather than more than four days.
Talk to me if you need to bring on board my lived experience as a co-producer, ally, book reviewer or to hire my brain to help you think through something.
Whatever you pay puts food on the table and a smile on my face. I enjoy helping people succeed and I often have insights or connections that can help you.
My company
Full disclosure, I’m the sole shareholder and I take money as dividend. Despite that, PinkGold arguably creates more public benefit per £ turnover in Wales and globally than most non-profit-distributing organisations I know.* I achieve that through procurement (prioritising people, businesses and enterprises that need a socially-minded client to get established or compete globally/locally), by my employment and outsourcing approach, and through a commitment to making sure at least 10% of profit goes to support change-makers in Northern Uganda.
Work with PinkGold Ltd and you get access to me and a fluid network of associates who I approach on a piece-by-piece basis. Our smallest contract was £60; our largest in our first year of trading was just under £25,000.
Talk to PinkGold for all things qualitative research, public engagement (from consultation to co-creation, from bright idea to completion), and ‘knowledge mobilisation’ (that’s usually academic-speak for getting academic knowledge into use in the world beyond academia; occasionally it means two-way conversations where valuable community information and knowledge informs and enlightens the academic world.)
*We are developing a tool to capture public benefit from procurement, outsourcing, ways of working and use of profit that aligns with the Well-being of Future Generations Act’s wellbeing goals and ways of working. Once we have our first year’s money accounts, we will produce our first social accounts using this tool.
NeuDICE CIC, is a social enterprise founded by three of us across the UK and with a growing community. NeuDICE CIC is where I am one of a team of associates delivering training, workshops, mentoring, consultancy, projects and all things neurodivergent and/or inclusive entrepreneurship.
If you approach me about entrepreneurship, business start-up or personal mentoring/coaching, I’ll direct you to NeuDICE CIC. It may still be me doing most of the work if I’m the best person for the job, but NeuDICE has a wealth of members whose skills complement or overlap mine. NeuDICE relishes the challenge of sitting, listening, and helping you design a project, but we also deliver a few off-the-shelf packages. In NeuDICE style, even the off-the-shelf are individually customised.
By buying from us, your money not only buys excellence. You also support the development of a community of neurodivergent entrepreneurs that focuses as much on people facing immense additional challenges as those most able to operate in the business world.
So there you have it. When you sound me out, whichever email or contacts you use, here’s the Anne that you will get:
And – as always – my guarantee is that if I know someone who can do it better, I’ll connect you rather than nab the job for myself just for the money. Life is too short to waste your time, my time and your money that way.
Hi everyone! I have been undertaking a marketing internship with PinkGold, owned by Anne Collis, and Barod CIC, co-owned by Anne’s husband Bryan. I have a BSc in Business Management and an MSc in Strategic Marketing, in which I achieved a First and a Distinction respectively. I am neurodivergent, with diagnosed autism, and suspected dyspraxia and ADHD.
I very much enjoyed working with PinkGold as it has given me an opportunity to utilise the skills I learnt on my Masters in an autonomous but supportive environment. Due to my neurodivergence, I often struggle to follow instructions, particularly when delivered verbally, but Anne and her colleagues deliver them very clearly and patiently, in a way that allows me to understand them. However, I do appreciate that developing my independent working skills would not go amiss. Therefore, I have been trying to be more of a self-starter, and not to ask for clarification unless I really need it. I hope that by the end of this internship, I will have mastered this skill. This will prepare me for subsequent roles where there is likely to be less support available, particularly if I decide to work for a large, multinational organisation. With Anne’s services centred around knowledge mobilisation and public engagement, this has allowed me to learn about an area that I was not previously familiar with. As I have good research skills, this perfectly played to my strengths, while allowing me to use my knowledge to develop a tailored marketing plan.
I have also developed my Excel skills while on this placement. With Anne often looking for me to compile information I have researched in a database, I have used this frequently, and would now feel confident using it on a more regular basis in future positions. As Excel is fundamental to most contemporary positions, I am very pleased about this, and it is a skill I can promote at interviews. I am also grateful that PinkGold has been able to take into account my neurodivergent needs in this placement. For instance, she has allowed me time each day for ‘’facilitating productivity’’, which is time spent undertaking activities that do not look like work, but are fundamental for me to perform at my maximum. This might involve going for a walk, for example. I believe this has been essential in helping me to perform at my best, as it allows me to burn off excess energy and give me that dopamine hit, which I am lacking due to my ADHD.
Anne has also allowed me to use my working hours for self-development, such as working on my CV, applying for jobs, and attending job interviews. This has allowed me to prepare for life after PinkGold, which I am grateful to Anne for allowing me to do, as I would not otherwise have had enough time to plan my next steps. This self-reflection time and the advice I have been given throughout my internship has made me realise that I need to be applying for roles that are pitched to my level, and have training and development opportunities. This will challenge me and allow me to learn new skills, without having
unrealistic expectations of my abilities.
I have enjoyed the ability to work remotely. Due to my neurodivergence, working in an office has been challenging at times in the past, so I am glad that PinkGold has offered me the chance to work remotely. This has helped to maintain my productivity, which I believed I would have been more difficult in a busy office environment, in which there are plenty of distractions. While my productivity could still improve further, I have implemented some strategies which could improve this. For instance, using noise-reducing headphones.
Overall, I have had a fantastic experience at PinkGold, and I am grateful to Anne for giving me the opportunity to develop a marketing strategy for her organisation. I am also pleased that I have worked for an organisation which aims to empower neurodivergent individuals, and I believe that if more did so, they would be a lot more innovative. Though my confidence was low when I started the role, it has boosted my confidence again, which will stand me in good stead to succeed in my next position.
In the mean time, please email Dr Anne Collis at