You've done the work. You've found or created the knowledge and information. 
Now it is time to mobilise it. This means getting it off your shelf and into the hands of people who need what you know, people you want to inform, and people who will take what you know and use it - possibly to change the world.   

PinkGold helps organisations, businesses and services to identify what they want to communicate, why they need to communicate, and ways to communicate effectively with different groups of people.

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Dr Anne Collis provides an opportunity for academics and neurodivergent people to better understand themselves, their situation or a challenge. She equips people to find their own solution or way forward.

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Pick the PinkGold brain on all things inclusion, public engagement, collaborative qualitative research design, or coproduction (of research or public services).


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Sometimes we can see a need for knowledge, but it doesn't seem to exist. That's when we need creative and inclusive ways to co-create new knowledge. This could mean research, consultation or public involvement. 
PinkGold Ltd is your go-to organisation for creating knowledge on social, health and disability issues -  provided your priorities are highest quality inclusive methods and creating knowlege for public good.
Copyright © 2023 PinkGold Ltd.

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